Starting School

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Welcome to Brockhurst Primary School. We are excited for you to join us in September!

Our Classes

At Brockhurst Primary School we have two classes in Year R and an admission number of 30 in each class. In Early Years, each class has a teacher and learning support assistant- sometimes classes may have additional staff for children with learning or health needs.  Children are taught in smaller groups for phonics, English and maths.

There are two classroom bases in Early Years (Appley and Sandown) and a shared outdoor space. Our Early Years classes work together as one ‘setting’. This means that children are able to spend portions of the day ‘free flowing’ in the environment to access the whole of our indoor and outdoor provision. The environment is planned carefully to engage children through their interests and help them to develop particular skills. The classrooms have areas which are zoned in a similar way to pre-schools.

Enabling a Smooth Transition

We receive children from a wide range of pre-schools and child minders. We spend time speaking to key workers and those who know the children best. These discussions take place in the summer term so that we can gather as much information as possible before September. We visit the children in their pre-schools in the summer term, invite parents and children into school for songs and rhymes and a Teddy Bears’ Picnic as well as offering home visits before the children start with us in September.