School Governors

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Mrs Lyndsay McLeesCo-opted Governer
Term: 1/9/20 to 31/8/28
Roles: Chair, SEN, LAC, Single Equality Scheme, Inclusion
Mrs Kathryn HawkleyCo-opted Governor
Term: 15/12/20 to 14/12/24
Roles: Vice Chair, Pupil Premium, Forum Rep, Development and Training Governor
Mr Alan ClarkParent Governor
Term: 19/11/20 to 18/11/28
Roles: Sport Premium, Teaching & Learning, Inclusion & Attendance
Mrs Charlotte RollsLocal Authority Governor
Term: 12/5/22 to 11/5/26
Roles: Greater Depth, Curriculum, Curriculum Chair
Mr Kevin Harcombe
Mr Kevin HarcombeCo-opted Governor
Term: 1/9/23 to 20/9/27
Roles: Music
Mrs Rachael HicksCo-opted Governor
Term: 21/9/23 to 20/9/27
Roles: Art and DT
Mr Michael SmithCo-opted Governor
Term: 21/7/21 to 20/7/25
Roles: British Values, Curriculum, RE
Mr Paul ClarkeCo-opted Governor
Term: 13/07/23 to 12/07/27
Roles: Safeguarding and Online Safety, Humanities
Mr Steve HowellCo-opted Governor
Term: 30/1/20 to 29/1/28
Roles: Resources, Parent Liaison and Child Voice, Service Children
Mr Richard DickinsonCo-opted Governor
Term: 28/11/23 to 27/11/27
Roles: Resource, Health and Safety
Mr Stuart MacfarlaneParent Governor
Term: 11/07/24 to 10/07/28
Mr Paul ThomsonParent Governor
Term: 11/07/24 to 10/07/28
Shobana KohliHeadteacher
Term: 15/4/24 to 14/4/28
Louisa TraffordOther
Roles: Clerk
Sharon Holmes
Sharon HolmesOther
Roles: School Business Manager
Emma EllisStaff Governor
Term: 22/9/22 to 21/9/26