Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report
Date published: September 2022
Date of next review: September 2023
SENDCo & Inclusion Lead: Mrs Emma Gladman
Inclusion at Brockhurst Primary School
Brockhurst Primary School is a 2 form entry mainstream school based across two campuses. At Brockhurst, we are proud of our strong reputation and experience in enabling children with a wide range of learning and physical delays, difficulties and disabilities to succeed academically and socially.
“Additional support is used effectively to help pupils with SEND access learning independently. This enables pupils to access tasks and make good progress from their starting points.” OFSTED June 2019
Brockhurst welcomes all children equally to our school and believe that we all benefit from learning and playing together in a proactively inclusive community. We hold high aspirations for all of our children, whatever their starting point or challenges in learning and development, and we know that with the right support and the right attitude children can make progress and their potential is neither fixed nor known. We teach children that we all learn the same things (playing; reading; writing; mathematics etc.) in different ways and all the things we learn and all the ways in which we learn are equally important. We believe parent and pupil voice should be central to everything that we do and we aim to ensure that these voices are central to all decisions about a child.
We strive to become a truly ‘inclusive school’ – a school in which all children and all families, whatever their needs, feel equally welcome, valued and receive exactly the support that they need.
1. What kinds of Special Educational Needs does Brockhurst Primary cater for?
Brockhurst Primary is a mainstream primary school and welcomes children with SEND in one or more of the following areas:
- Communication and Interaction g. speech, language and communication needs. Autistic Spectrum Condition.
- Cognition and Learning g. specific learning difficulties (SpLD) dyslexia or dyscalculia, learning difficulties, global developmental delay
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH) g. attentional or hyperactivity difficulties, depression, attachment difficulties, anxiety
- Sensory and /or Physical Needs g. visual impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI), Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, dyspraxia.
- Medical Needs – Where pupils have medical needs and special educational needs, we will plan and deliver educational provision in a coordinated way in accordance with their healthcare plan, if they have one. We also follow the statutory guidance on supporting pupils at school with medical conditions.
2. How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?
All of our teachers teach children with additional needs and SEND. All of our staff recognise the importance of identifying additional needs early and making effective provision quickly. The identification and assessment of additional needs and SEN is built into the schools graduated approach to monitoring the progress of all pupils.
We assess each pupil’s skills and levels of attainment when they first come to the school. This builds on any information from the child’s previous early years setting or school, and provides us with information we need to monitor their progress. It also ensures that we discover any areas of difficulty early on. Where children already have SEN diagnosed or identified, we will work closely with the family and other services to make sure that we know as much about the child as possible before they start at the school.
Teachers and senior leaders meet regularly to review pupils’ progress. This helps us to see any children whose progress is significantly slower than their peers or whose progress has slowed down and is falling behind.
When we see a child is not making progress, we will look at ways a teacher can adapt lessons to support a child’s learning and progress. Concerns are considered and responded to, according to individual need. Additional interventions are in place to boost children’s progress and children who need to catch up will be offered such opportunities.
If we continue to be concerned about a child’s progress, we will work with the family to carry out an analysis of the child’s needs. There can be many reasons children are not able to make progress (e.g. a significant change in family circumstances, periods of absence, emotional or confidence issues). However, less than expected progress can mean a child has an underlying special educational need.
The school uses a range of different assessment tools and systems to help identify and assess pupils with SEN. When considering if a child needs SEN support, the school takes into account:
- The pupil’s previous progress and attainment (using the graduated phases of provision to compare to peers in school and nationally)
- The teacher’s assessment and experience of the child – including any concern forms completed
- Diagnostic screening and assessments carried out in school depending on area of need
- The views and experiences of parents/carers (this can include a developmental history or a family history of difficulties)
- Pupil’s own views
- Advice from external support services where appropriate
Any parent/carer who feels that their child may have unrecognised SEN is strongly encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher or Emma Gladman (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator)
3. How does Brockhurst plan support for pupils with Special Educational Needs?
Most of the children who we identify as needing support to accelerate their progress have their needs met as part of high-quality teaching. This may include teachers adapting what they do and having different approaches to meet different needs within the class, alongside a range of interventions normally provided by the school.
If a pupil is identified as having SEN, his/her teacher and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator will consider everything we know about the pupil to determine the support that is needed and whether it can be provided by adapting teaching in class or whether something different or additional is required.
Where provision for SEN is needed, we work with pupils and their families to create a Personalised Learning Plan and One Page Profile.
If the school has done everything it can to identify, assess and meet the SEN of the child but either the child’s progress remains extremely limited or the amount of support needed to ensure progress is significant, the school and parents may consider requesting statutory assessment from the Local Authority for an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Education, Health and Care Plans are issued by the Local Authority where necessary and are used by the school to plan SEN provision for children with the most severe and complex needs.
The Education, Health and Care Plan includes:
- A detailed profile of the child, their strengths and aspirations for the future
- Any education, health and care needs s/he may have
- The goals of outcomes for the pupil agreed by the family and professionals for the next phase of their education
- The education, health and social care provision in place to meet the child’s needs
4. How are decisions made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator and class teachers have responsibility for making sure all children receive additional support where needed. The ‘Graduated Phases of Provision Document’ shows how we plan the type and amount of support to meet children’s needs and this information is shared with parents/carers of children who need additional support.
Parents are invited to meet the class teacher every term at the Parent/Carer Meetings and a child’s support plan can be discussed here. Parents/carers are always welcome to come and discuss their child’s support plan at other times with teachers or the SENDCo. The school may invite families to work with us to develop a Person Centred Plan for a child – these help us look at the child’s strengths, learning needs and plan next steps. For children with more complex needs (EHCP level of support), these decisions are made jointly by parents and staff, annually, at the Annual Review meeting and termly at in school meetings with the SENDCo/teacher.
Adult support is not always the answer to a child’s needs and we are careful to promote positive learning attitudes, independence and resilience rather than over-reliance on adults. We try not to fix children in ‘groups’ as we believe this can fix their ideas about themselves as learners.
5. How will staff support my child?
The class teacher is responsible for the progress of all the children in the class but lots of children need some additional support to help them progress during their time at our school. Class teachers work closely with the school SENDCo who oversees all support and progress for children on the SEND register. Any additional support may be provided by trained learning support staff; by specialist teachers or through assessment and advice from specialist services. We are regularly supported by the Educational Psychology Service; Speech & Language Service; Specialist Teacher Advisor Service, Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Primary Behaviour Support Service, Child Services and the Early Help Hub.
For many children a period of additional support will help them catch up with other children but for some children with special educational needs or disabilities, extra support will be needed more regularly; for longer or for always.
Most additional support is explained to parents/carers through meetings/information sheets. For children with higher levels of special educational need or disabilities (EHCP, a diagnosis or significant need), parents/carers are invited to an individual child’s planning meeting with school staff to discuss targets for each child and a plan of support. The plan is recorded on a termly personalised learning plan or One Page Profile and this details who will provide the support and how often. These meetings take place termly and we are happy to meet at other times too if needed.
6. How are resources allocated and matched to my child’s special educational needs?
We allocate resources according to levels of need and these levels of need are described in our ‘Graduated Phases of Provision Document’. These resources may include providing a child with a small group or individual intervention led by trained or specialist staff or providing additional resources (e.g: laptop; writing slope). If a child is allocated resources through an EHCP, then this provision is specified on the child’s personalised learning plan and reviewed annually at a formal Annual Review Meeting.
While children are often allocated time to work with support staff (or, for some children with an EHCP, allocated a dedicated team of support staff) as a means of making progress, we are careful not to create over-dependency on adult support. We will always look to use resources to enable independence and have a wide range of equipment within school.
7. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
The class teacher will provide teaching and learning activities to match the levels of learning of all children in the class. Sometimes, additional resources will be provided to support children’s learning (e.g: writing slopes; pencil grips; laptops; lap cushions; sensory snacks; signs or symbols).
Learning support assistants often assist the class teacher in meeting all the children’s needs but we always strive to help children work independently or with other children rather than become dependent on adult support. For a very few children with very specific needs, we may plan parts of the curriculum completely differently to the rest of the class to ensure the children make progress. Parents and carers would always be involved in these decisions.
If children are receiving some additional intervention in the school, you will be sent information about the progress your child makes towards the targets set. This can be discussed at the termly Parent/Carer meeting but parents/carers are also encouraged to make appointments at any other time with the class teachers or Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.
Some children with SEND need very specific planning and this would be recorded in a Personalised Learning Plan or One Page Profile. For the family and the school to review, discuss and create these plans, longer meetings than the Parent/Carer meetings are needed and so we will plan additional termly meetings for this purpose.
8. How will both the school and parents know how children are doing?
Class teachers continually assess every child and will adjust provision where needed. Each Year Group team regularly discuss progress and identify those children who need additional support. Assessments will be carried out at the beginning and end of any specific interventions. Meetings with Senior Leadership Team are held every term to discuss every pupil’s progress. Targets are set, any specific needs are identified and appropriate provision agreed. Progress is measured against the National Expectations and Age-Related Expectations.
We believe that every child’s education is a partnership between school and home. We are always keen to communicate regularly and openly. Parents and carers are invited termly to a Parent/Carer Meeting to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. Some children who have an EHCP are supported by individual needs assistants (as indicated in their EHCP provision). The parents/carers of these children are offered a daily home/school communication book.
9. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
Supporting children’s well-being is our most important job: we learn about behaviour as rights, responsibilities and choices; we think carefully about the way we make all children and their families feel equally welcome (e.g: talking about “grown-ups” not “mums and dads”); we teach children to solve problems peacefully; we teach children how to learn well together. We actively listen to children. There are also many opportunities for pupils to contribute their views (eg class/school council, pupil voice). We employ a counsellor; a Home School Link Worker, have support staff trained as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, support staff trained in the Framework for Enhanced Pastoral Support – all of which offer support to families and children around their emotional well-being. Individual children may be offered additional support through taking part in Pet Therapy sessions, Service Club, Lego Therapy, Personal Safety Sessions or an individualised wellbeing programme.
Being happy socially is crucial to most children’s well-being. We monitor children’s friendships to check that everyone has positive peer relationships and we plan support to help where there is a need. Playground staff organise a rich range of activities/equipment in the playground so that children can find happy social experiences to engage in. We organise Nurture Groups and Nurture Lunch activities to support children who find these social and unstructured times challenging.
We create specific plans for children who have medical or intimate care needs to maintain their dignity and well-being.
To support the well-being of children with complex needs, we often talk to parents/carers about how we can help children understand their own disability/difference and sometimes support those children in explaining this to their classmates. We believe understanding and learning about each other’s needs helps our whole school learn and play better together.
10. How will you prepare and support my child with transitions?
All children starting school in Year R have several visits to school, and the class teacher visits them at home. We also encourage pre-schools to visit. Children who start this school partway through the year can visit with their parents as many times as is appropriate before starting. All children who join our school (other than at the start of Reception) are given an adult mentor who will support them until they have settled and made friends.
For children moving to Key Stage 2 (South Campus) – there are regular visits between campuses for different occasions and celebrations. The children will have the opportunity to meet their new teacher and spend time as a whole class in their new classroom. Children requiring extra visits will go in a small group.
Teachers will meet several times to discuss their new class and pass on all relevant information.
For certain children with particular needs, we make a transition book to support them moving from one class to the next. The book contains photos of the new class; new class teacher; new classmates etc. so that the child can look at the book over the summer break.
In Year 6, teachers prepare children for the transition to secondary school and secondary staff visit the school to talk about all children’s needs. Some children benefit from extra support over this transition to secondary school. These children will be supported by a mentor or individual needs assistant. This will include additional visits to the secondary school.
11. How are the School Governors involved and what are their responsibilities?
One Governor is responsible for SEND and meets regularly with the SENDCo, to discuss provision and evaluate impact. The SENDCo reports to the Governors termly to inform them of SEND provision and impact. The Governors agree priorities for spending in order that all children receive the support they need to enable them to learn and grow successfully. All Governor reports are general in order to maintain confidentiality. Governors receive termly progress reports for all pupils.
12. How accessible is the school environment?
North Campus
- The school is on one level and partially open plan, each classroom has smaller areas within it, rather than being one open space.
- The hall floor is only accessible by 3 steps with bannisters at each point of entry.
- There are slopes to the main entrance and most external classroom doors.
- One child’s toilet in each year group is wider and fitted with handrails
- There is a disabled toilet in the year 2 area with enough space to accommodate changing
South Campus
- There is an automatic entrance door and slope to the main entrance
- The school is all on one level, with individual classrooms off of main corridors.
- There is a disabled toilet with enough space to accommodate changing.
We consult with Specialist Teacher advisors for pupils with complex needs. They give advice for the best resources/ equipment to help individual pupils access the curriculum.
13. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
Our expectation is for all children to be included in all parts of our curriculum and school trips. We will try to provide the necessary support to enable this to happen wherever possible. We will discuss how to enable this with parents and take their advice.
A pre-visit and risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity. If we consider there is a possibility that it will be unsafe for a child to take part, we will try to modify the trip to enable the child to participate as fully as possible. This may involve the parent accompanying their child on the trip if this is appropriate.
14. What should I do if I have a concern about my child’s progress or the school’s SEND provision?
Talk to us! Contact your child’s class teacher, who may then seek the advice of the SENDCo or Head Teacher. Building positive working relationships with parents is of the highest priority to us. We are open and honest with parents and children benefit greatly when they are able to be the same with us.
15. Where can I get further information about services for my child?
- Ask a member of staff or Governor for guidance (they may not know instantly, but will be able to find out)
- Contact your family GP
- The SEND policy (see website), or a paper copy is available, ask at the office.
- Contact ‘Parent Partnership’ – hants.gov.uk/parentpartnership
- See SEN publication for parents – hant.gov.uk/sen-parentpublications
- This SEND information forms part of the ‘Hampshire’s Local Offer’, which provides information about services available for children and young people from birth to 25 years who have SEND. hantslocaloffer.info