Online Safety

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We use the internet all the time at school and at home. Using the internet is extremely valuable if you know how to use it safely. If at any time you see something that worries or upsets you or you are concerned about a friend, you must tell an adult, who will do everything they can to help you.


  • Never give out any personal details like your name, age or address
  • Never open any attachments to emails if they are from someone you don’t know
  • Always tell an adult if you see something that worries you
  • Always be polite and respectful when speaking to someone online, or through any messaging service
  • Never share pictures with people you haven’t met before (including meeting people online).

Here are some great websites to help you stay safe online:

If you see anything online that worries you when working remotely at home,  please email the school using the ‘contact form’ and mark for the attention of the DSL.